As a Panhellenic community, we are striving to work together to create a cohesive, philanthropic community. We are currently working with the greater Los Angeles community, including volunteering our time at the Regional Los Angeles Food Bank and many other service organizations. The Panhellenic Council is also in partnership with other campus organizations, such as Trojan Dance Marathon and Swim with Mike, to support a wide range of philanthropic initiatives.
In January 2019, the Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council committed to developing a community-wide hands-on service initiative.
With collaboration from council leaders and chapter philanthropy chairs, IFC and PHC teamed up with the Los Angeles Union Rescue Mission, an organization dedicated to combatting homelessness.
Throughout both semesters, PHC and IFC will pair chapters and provide transportation to the LA Union Rescue Mission, where Greek members serve as volunteers to give back to the Los Angeles community.

Alpha Chi Omega .................. Domestic Violence Awareness
Alpha Delta Chi ...................... Adventures Ahead
Alpha Delta Pi ........................ Ronald McDonald House
Alpha Phi ................................ Alpha Phi Foundation
Delta Gamma ......................... Service For Sight
Delta Delta Delta ................... St Jude Children's Hospital
Gamma Phi Beta .................... Building Strong Girls
Kappa Alpha Theta ............... CASA
Kappa Kappa Gamma ........... Reading is Fundamental
Pi Beta Phi .............................. Read>Lead>Achieve