Due to a change in University policy, our formal recruitment pro​cess now takes place in the spring. Please see the information below to determine your eligibility for 2025.
Every active member works hard throughout the year to to welcome prospective members and introduce their chapters. We expect respect towards active members, and we encourage prospective members to be mindful of their language about chapters, as certain behavior is not tolerated. Below are our guidelines and expectations for behavior both before and during recruitment.
For more information on recruitment logistics, continuous open bidding, and a detailed look at our Spring 2025 recruitment,
Those interested must have completed 12 units and earned a 2.5 GPA at USC prior to joining. Transfer students are eligible after completing one academic year of college coursework, post high school graduation. Want to learn more? Visit here!
Please also note that while a 2.5 USC GPA is minimum for participating in PHC recruitment, some chapters do mandate higher GPA minimums for membership in their sisterhood.
Check your eligibility by clicking here!
You may also refer to the graphic below to check eligibility

If you have signed a MRABA form (or accepted a bid from a chapter), please note your eligibility in this below table. Note this does not apply to COB members. If you have not gone through our formal recruitment process, this does not apply to you!

Interactions with Active Members
Please be mindful of your interactions with active members, and try not to put the active member or yourself in a potentially uncomfortable situation. Asking questions about specific chapters' reputations, bids, or specific active members can result in a dismissal from the process. However, questions like "What is bid day?" and"How is your experience in the greek community?" are okay.
Grounds for Dismissal from the Recruitment Process
Disrespecting chapters, active members, or a fellow PNM
Attending any IFC or UPIFC events during recruitment
Active participating in dirty rushing
Drinking or being under the influence during any recruitment events
Missing class to attend recruitment
Failing to fill out the conflict form when you have a conflict

In response to the University policy on Change in Recruitment/Intake Eligibility announced on September 29, 2017, effective fall 2018, the Panhellenic Council of the University of Southern California established a Think Tank to develop recommendations for the implementation of policy. On February 12, 2018, the Panhellenic Council voted and approved the adoption of the Think Tank recommendations reflected here.
On Friday, September 29, 2017, Dr. Ainsley Carry, the previous Vice President for Student Affairs delivered this message to fraternity and sorority council presidents. As stated in the letter, the policy begins implementation for fall 2018. On January 9, 2018, the administration issued a second statement to clarify a few elements introduced in the previous document. Fraternity & Sorority Leadership Development collaborated with each governing council to establish council work groups to discuss policy implementation and planning for next steps. The Fraternity & Sorority Leadership Development team focused on supporting students in the implementation and engaging with university partners on university impact and planning. A task force was put together, reflected below.
USC Fraternity/Sorority Membership Policy Change Task Force
The task force is chaired by Dr. Monique Allard, includes the FSLD team, campus partners, council leaders, and external stakeholders. The task force will meet in the academic year to discuss and recommend:
Considerations for new student well-being, behavior accountability, and involvement opportunities
Opportunities to enhance university education (hazing prevention, consent and healthy relationships, well-being, alcohol over-consumption, etc.) for new students
Considerations to minimize potential financial and housing impacts to chapters and if opportunities are available
Engage with peer institutions with similar eligibility requirements
Potential considerations for first semester transfer students
The task force met 10-23-17 and 11-06-17. Discussions included eligibility for spring admits and transfers students, USC Housing opportunities, and current educational initiatives within USC Residential Education.
Spring 2018 meetings discussed the first two items in the charge, including new student well-being, behavior accountability, involvement opportunities, and university education.
You can read more about the university task force here